As we live on an island it is always good to be prepared for any situation, be it fire, tsunami, or hurricane.  To that effect here is some valuable information and links for to ensure that you are ready for any emergency.
Here’s What to Keep at Home in an Emergency Basic Disaster Supply Kit
Every home should have an emergency supply kit located in an accessible storage area. It’s best if you store the items in plastic containers that are easy to grab and carry. Kits should be checked every six months, and expired items should be replaced to keep the kit up to date.  Emergency kits are meant to help you survive not only during an emergency, but also during the aftermath.
Home emergency supply kits should include:
  • One gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, seven days worth is ideal.
  • Enough nonperishable food for at least seven days and a can opener; keep protein packed foods you can cook without electricity, such as tuna, peanut butter and granola bars, and don’t forget about food for your pets.
  • Hand-crank or battery-powered radio with extra batteries to stay up to date on the latest weather alerts.
  • Flashlight with extra batteries.
  • First aid kit with gauze, tape, bandages, antibiotic ointment, non-prescription medication, a blanket, non-latex gloves, scissors, hydrocortisone, thermometer, tweezers and instant cold compress.
  • Tool kit with basic tools, in case you need to shut off utilities. A needle and thread.
  • Hand sanitizer and garbage bags for sanitation. Roll of toilet paper and paper towels.
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape in case of broken windows or a leaky roof.
  • Inflatable camp mattresses and blankets/sleeping bag. The emergency shelters on Maui will not provide cots/bedding; just shelter.
  • Animal crate/carrier.
  • Whistle to signal for help so rescuers can locate you.
  • Family Documents-photo ID’s, insurance policies, wills, etc. all in plastic bag.
  • Special Needs: Hearing Aids, eye glasses, dentures, baby supplies
“GO” Bag
A “GO” Bag is separate from above, but is just as important. In it should be the things you need to have and can put in a designated bag within 5 minutes to leave the house. You need to ask yourself: is there anything in this house I cannot live without? That goes into the “GO” bag!
  • Clothing for three days, shoes, socks, underwear, toiletries/hygiene items
  • Prescription medications, insulin, blood pressure medications, etc.
  • Important documents, irreplaceable items (it may be a laptop)!
  • Pet crates, food, medications, and of course, PETS!
Maui County Emergency Resources
In an Emergency dial 911
Non- Emergency Numbers:
Civil Defense:                         808-270-7285
Police and Fire:                       808-244-6400
American Medical Response 808-871-2153
Emergency Radio Stations:
KMVI-AM         550 khz
KNUI-AM         800 khz
KAOI-FM         95.1 or 96.7 mhz
KPOA-FM        92.9 or 93.5 mhz
KJKS-FM         99.3 mhz
NOAA Weather Radio
KBA99 162.550 mhz and 162.400 mhz
Central Pacific Hurricane Center – The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration site for tracking hurricanes in the central Pacific.
Firewise Communities – Information on how to make your home and community safe from wildfires.
Emergency Preparedness Information